Winter Food Conference 2022

Indiana Uplands Winter Food Conference: Healing Perspectives and Practices in the Food System

We hosted the third annual winter food conference online again this January and February. Check out the schedule and speakers and view recorded sessions below!

Conference Schedule

Explore the dropdown menu below for detailed session descriptions. 

Cultivating Community Comfort Foods | Tuesday 25 January, 12-1 pm

Dr. Keitlyn Alcantara, Indiana University Department of Anthropology

Dr. Alcantara will lead us through how foodways can serve as a powerful entry point into conversations about systemic and historic inequity, as well as systems of collective care. She will emphasize the importance of a concept of health that is deeply connected to representation, visibility, and connection. Using the Restorative Foodways Project as a case study, she will present an example of culturally diverse community meals centered on storytelling, memory and identity as a way to celebrate individual lived experiences and strategies of survival.

Recommended Reading List:

  • Braiding Sweetgrass, by Erin Wall Kimmerer
  • Native Foodways: Indigenous North American Religious Traditions and Foods, edited by Michelene Pensantubbee and Michael Zogry
  • The Body Is Not An Apology, by Sonya Renee Taylor
  • Fearing the Black Body, by Sabrina Strings
  • The Color of Food, by Natasha Bowens

The Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods & The Culinary Medicine Solution | Wednesday 26 January, 12-1 pm

Michael Fenster, MD., University of Montana, Culinary Medicine

When is a pizza no longer a pizza? The answer has nothing to do with pineapple! It has everything to do with ingredients, preparation, and sourcing. Join Michael S. Fenster, MD; better known as Chef Dr. Mike, America’s only Board-Certified Interventional Cardiologist, Professor of Culinary Medicine, and Professional Chef, to learn about how, for the last half-century, we’ve been looking for food and health answers in all the wrong places.  

Farm to Health: exploring how locally grown food can be part of successful Produce Rx and food box programs for community health | Thursday 27 January, 12-1 pm

Moderator: Jacob Simpson, IU Center for Rural Engagement; Panelists: Brandon Query, Lost River Market and Deli, Paoli, IN; Armonda Riggs, Four Flag Farms, Bloomfield, IN; Pamela Rieke, Food and Growers Association, Batesville, IN

Strong partnerships are essential for the successful coordination of locally grown food for food as medicine programming. Partners are essential and necessarily focus on the multitude of implementation tasks from coordinating food production, moving food from farm to aggregation site, assembling food for participants along with recipes and tools, and then orchestrating the demand, distribution and evaluation for the consumers and patients. Learn more from our panelists of farmers and value chain coordinators about best practices in working with local farmers to implement programming. We will share some of the successes and pitfalls for these types of programs and invite attendees to share their experiences as well.

Exploring food as medicine programs for Indiana: share and connect with this growing network | Friday 28 January, 12-1 pm

Join Jodee Smith (IU) and Michelle Shippy (Marion Co Health Department) in a discussion about food as medicine programming for Indiana. Plan to share what you are doing and bring your thoughts on what would be helpful for you and your organization to do more and better work for food as medicine initiatives. We will use the Massachusetts Food Is Medicine Pyramid of intervention strategies to learn more about existing programming and talk more about the future of Food as Medicine for Indiana.

Trauma Informed Basics in Food Security Initiatives| Tuesday 1 February, 12-1 pm

Adrienne Markworth, Executive Director, Leah's Pantry

This presentation will first overview the key concepts behind a trauma-informed approach to nutrition security. Then, we will consider tensions within food security initiatives - are they designed to provide repair and healing, or might they unintentionally perpetuate intergenerational trauma? Participants will leave with helpful questions to consider when designing any community-centered program through the lens of trauma and resilience.

Healing Community Trauma Through Food |Wednesday 2 February, 12-1 pm

Victoria Beaty, Executive Director, Growing Places Indy

In this presentation, Victoria will walk us through the programming of Growing Places Indy and its focus on youth and food equity within their community. Throughout the description of the programs offered by Growing Places Indy, Victoria will demonstrate how food and agricultural engagement can help address and overcome community-level generational trauma.

Panel Discussion: Translating Trauma Informed Care Knowledge to Practice | Thursday 3 Febuary, 12-1 pm

Moderator: Naima Gardner-Rice; Panelists: Lindsey Bouza, Kayla Stradford, Chris Clark, Lindsey Cox, and Robin Mallery

Moderated by Naima Gardner-Rice of the Indiana Department of Health, this panel brings together individuals who have participated in Trauma Informed learning collaboratives and trainings with Leah’s Pantry. In the panel discussion, the participants will discuss their experience with the trainings and how they have applied the principles within their work. Panel participants include: Lindsey Bouza (IDOH-DNPA Director), Kayla Stradford (Vital Records Epidemiologist in the Division of Vital Records), Chris Clark (Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program Assistant), Lindsey Cox (Purdue Extension Community Wellness Coordinator), and Robin Mallery (Urban Seeds Director).

Networking and Facilitated Discussion | Friday 4 February, 12-1 pm

Join us for a facilitated discussion on the theme of trauma-informed care in the food system.

Food Apartheid Panel  | Tuesday 8 February, 12-1 pm

"Food apartheid looks at the whole food system, along with race, geography, faith, and economics." - Karen Washington

Moderator: Kayte Young; Panelists: Sibeko Jywanza, Sharrona Moore, Dan Garcia

The facts are that if you are Black or Latino in this county you are much more likely to live in an area where it’s hard to get healthy food - and that’s no accident.  It’s systemic racism. Join us to hear from three BIPOC farmers from the Indianapolis area who are working against the food aparthied systems in their communities. We’ll hear how the nonprofit farms, Flanner Farm and Lawrence Community Gardens, are empowering youth and creating food security, and how Garcia’s Gardens, a commercial veggie farm in Indy, is building a thriving urban farm. This panel discussion builds on the Hoosier Young Farmers Podcast episode “Food Apartheid.” We’ll dig deeper into the stories of the farmers in the episode, and hear what’s working - and what work is still ahead - in the fight against food apartheid. Listen to the full podcast series here on the HYFC Meet the Farmers page. 

The Future (of Farming) is Female Panel | Wednesday 9 February, 12-1 pm

Moderator: Alex Chambers; Panelists: Joyce Randolph and Vivian Muhammad, Danielle Guerin, Megan Ayers

Let’s listen to women who are farming in Indiana. Join us on Weds, Feb 9, to hear from women who are farming in Indiana. This panel builds off the Hoosier Young Farmers Podcast episode “Women in Farming.” Women farmers from around the state of Indiana will share what it’s like to be a farmer in a world where everyone expects farmers to be male. We’ll dive into the different roles women carry on their farm from the fields to the spreadsheets, and learn how these women face - and break - gender stereotypes of the agricultural world. Listen to the full podcast series here on the HYFC Meet the Farmers page. 

Reveal Party (and Listening Session): Launching a Statewide Sustainable Food and Farming Organization | Thursday 10 February, 12-1 pm

Liz Brownlee, President of Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition and Farmer at Nightfall Farm; Genesis McKiernan-Allen, Vice-President of Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition, Farmer at Full Hand Farm

Most states have a statewide sustainable farming organization that brings together eaters, farmers, and people working to strengthen the food system - and it’s time to build a coalition like this for Indiana. The Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition and partners around the state have secured substantial seed money to launch a food and farming organization for Indiana. Now they want to listen to farmers and food system advocates from around the state, to shape the organization and our work. This new nonprofit will serve sustainable farmers of all sorts, food councils, farmer organizations, and others working on food and farming in Indiana. How could a statewide organization help you in your work on the farm or in the community? Join us for a “reveal party” to hear about what HYFC has accomplished so far, see the results from their recent farmer survey, share what YOU need from this group, and hear what envisioning (so far!) for the next three years. 

Links and Recordings from the Conference

Conference Speakers

Keitlyn Alcantara is an Anthropological Bioarcheologist in the Department of Anthropology at Indiana University Bloomington. Her work is centered on foodways as tools of empowerment. Melding bioarcheological dietary isotope analyses and ethnographic interviews, her current research contextualizes food sovereignty movements in Late Postclassic and contemporary Tlaxcala, Mexico. As a Mexican American, she is also interested in the ways food is tied to memory, identity, and homeland among Latinx immigrants in the United States (, and working with the land to develop embodied pedagogies of self-decolonization ( Email:


Michael S. Fenster, MD, better known as Chef Dr. Mike, is one of a handful of physicians worldwide to hold both culinary and medical degrees and is the only Interventional Cardiologist and Professional Chef to do so. By combining his culinary talents with cutting-edge medical expertise, Chef Dr. Mike takes us on a journey of fusion that returns us to our roots with a sensible and sustainable approach to eating that is founded on modern, evidence-based science. His mission is to help each of us re-engage, re-forge, and re-connect our personal relationship with the food we eat.


Brandon Query Bey is the Healthy Initiatives Coordinator at Lost River Market and Deli in Paoli, IN, where he has been working for almost five years. Before working at the market, he and his wife and were brought to Orange County through an apprenticeship at Living Roots Farm and Sustainability Center and then went on to manage their own mini farm where they sold produce at a local farmers' market.

Armonda Riggs started her farming career in 2016 in Iowa where she sold produce through the Iowa Food Cooperative. In 2017 she moved back to Indiana and began her diversified farm, Four Flags Farm, on 30 acres in Greene County Indiana.  She was a vendor at the Bedford and Bloomfield Markets in Indiana until 2019. She has since been a seasonal vendor at the Linton Farmers Market in Linton, IN and now sells produce through the Rose Hill Farm Stop in Bloomington, IN as well. Armonda loves her farming career, most days. Being a farmer allows her to create a lifestyle from which she can help her community by producing great tasting as well as great for them products while being a good steward of her land. Follow her on Facebook or IG @FourFlagsFarm.

Pam Rieke is the president of the Food and Growers Association in Batesville, IN where she has been an active member for several years. She has a deep passion for local healthy food access for everyone and recently began volunteer work at Our Harvest Cooperative, a produce box subscription in the Cincinnati area.

Michelle Shippy is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist at the Marion County Public Health Department (MCPHD), Chronic Disease Dept.  In her role as the Nutrition Incentive Program Manager, she has contributed to innovative solutions to their SNAP matching program, Fresh Bucks, as well as built and implemented a county-wide Produce Prescription (Rx) program in Marion County.  Michelle’s experiences and passion in public health includes food and nutrition education anerd programming, improving food environments, and building systems for better nutrition through increased access and affordability.  Throughout her 14 years at MCPHD she has had the opportunities to build her knowledge and understanding of the importance that public health policies, systems and environments have on all people.

Adrienne Markworth is a proven innovator at the intersection of public health and food security. As Executive Director at Lea's Pantry, Adrienne has led her organization to impact thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations through the development, implementation, and evaluation of cutting-edge programs and products. Through a focus on accountability to program participants, translation of trauma and resilience research into practice, and a deep appreciation of collaboration and ongoing learning, Adrienne enjoys working across systems and settings to support sustainable community and individual nourishment.

Victoria Beaty is the Executive Director of Growing Places Indy (GPI). After years of working for a large fast-food brand and learning how the food system works, she resigned from her corporate leadership position to enroll in an urban farming program. There, she found her true passion for urban farming and educating her community on the importance of eradicating the food deserts that plague communities of color. During her time at GPI, she has worn many hats, from a volunteer, to the Farm Manager, SNAP Outreach Coordinator, Market Manager, and now Executive Director.


Naima Gardner-Rice works as the SNAP-Ed and Nutrition Programs Director in the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at ISDH were she oversees the planning and implementation of the division’s nutrition initiatives. She works with community partners around the state to improve nutrition environments in a variety of settings (schools, workplaces, communities, retail, etc.). Prior to her current role, Naime served as the Nutrition Coordinator at ISDH, and was previously the Campaign Coordinator for Healthy Food Financing for the American Heart Association, a position that allowed her to work in the policy realm to increase equitable access to healthy food throughout the state. Naima holds a Masters in Public Health from Indiana University as well as a Culinary Arts degree from Johnson and Wales University. She worked as a professional chef for several years. Naima is passionate about food and food systems, particularly the ways in which food systems impact public health and social justice. Naima was born and raised in Bloomington, IN (go Hoosiers!) and currently resides in Indianapolis with her husband and children.

Robin Mallery is passionate about food! As a full-time community volunteer, Robin is committed to implementing programs that increase access to fresh, nourishing foods to those who are nutrient-insecure, thereby elevating the Food Justice conversation. Robin loves preparing cooked-from-scratch meals, shared with others around her own dining table or in cooking classes. As well, she is committed to supporting locally-grown and produced food as one of the many opportunities to create a vibrant local foods economy. Her professional experience as a cardiovascular and diabetes nurse provides the platform for her teaching a “Food as Medicine” philosophy. Robin is active the the Healthy Communities Partnership initiative, the Promise Zone Food Access workgroup, and the Mayor’s Food Commission. She sits on the Advisory Committee for the Market on Main and the U of E Public Health Committee.


Lindsey Bouza is the Director of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity for the Indiana State Department of Health. She is extremely passionate about healthy behaviors and helping others reach their potential. She loves outdor activity and to eat local food, especially trying local restaurants when possible. She has her Masters in Public Health with a concentration in Behavioral Health Science.

Kayla Stradford works for the Indiana Department of Health as the Vital Records Epidemiologist in the Division of Vital Records. Previously, she completed her Master’s in Public Health at Indiana University and received her Bachelor’s in Biological Sciences from Purdue University. She is passionate about supporting others and interested in a career in the public health field. Specifically, her areas of interest are in Biology, Community Health, Biostatistics, and Epidemiology. She has a strong background in data analysis and epidemiological research methods. Recently, she completed a Trauma Informed Collaborative training through the Leah’s Pantry organization, and had the opportunity to collaborate with a group of IDOH colleagues to complete the training.

Christina Clark, also known as Miss Chris to her students, started with the Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program in April of 1998. She has seen many changes in nutrition education over the years.

She provides nutrition education to men and women in transitional sober living facilities, senior citizens groups, high school and elementary students and food pantries.

One of her favorite programs is the CATCH Program -Coordinated Approach to Child Health. This program encourages healthy food choices and promotes physical activity to elementary students.

Miss Chris has adapted the CATCH curriculum into a cooking class at a community soup kitchen. Neighborhood kids from a variety of ethnic groups attend weekly and make a healthy recipe. After that, she and students play gaga ball, one of their favorite games. This past week the healthy recipe was cauliflower bites. The kids attending had never tasted cauliflower and it was a success.

One thing Chris has learned over the years is that people don’t care how much you know, they want to know how much you care. Building relationships is one of the best ways she’s found to encourage her students to try new foods.

Miss Chris and her husband live on a grain farm in Southern Indiana with their 8 year-old Doberman, Cooper.


Lindsey Cox is the NEP Community Wellness Coordinator at Purdue University Extension serving Delaware and Blackford counties. Community Wellness Coordinators serve our local communities through Purdue Extension's Nutrition Education Program, a SNAP-Ed and EFNEP funded initiative. CWCs collaborate with community partners on policy, system, and environmental changes to help make the healthy choice the easy choice. Nutrition, Physical Activity, Food Security, Food Safety, and Food Resource Management (stretching food dollars) are the five focus areas of NEP for the priority audience of those who qualify to receive SNAP/EFNEP, individuals with limited resources, schools with 50% or more free and reduced lunch, and communities with high poverty rates.


Kayte Young is the host and producer of Earth Eats on WFIU, the NPR station here on the IU campus. Kayte discovered her passion for growing, cooking, foraging and preserving fresh food when she moved to Bloomington in 2007. With a background in construction, architecture, nutrition education and writing, she brings curiosity and a love of storytelling to a show about food and farming. Kayte has a particular interest in food justice and in centering the stories of those who have historically been underrepresented in food media.

“Communities have a voice that need to be heard”

Sibeko Yafeu Jywanza, an Indianapolis native, has engrafted this statement in his heart since a young age.  Hailing from a family of community activists, Sibeko is exceptionally acquainted with resident engagement, community development, relationship cultivation, and key stakeholder involvement.  His elementary education was through Indianapolis Public Schools until the ninth grade and completed his high school journey at the historic Piney Woods School in Piney Woods, Mississippi.  Sibeko remained south and attended the highest-ranked HBCU, Florida A & M University.  In 2008, he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the School of Business and Industry (SBI).  After graduation he returned to Indianapolis and started working for a family-owned dentist office named Sonrisa.  The opportunity to live out his mantra, began with a term with Public Allies and then as a Neighborhood Development Specialist at Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center (INRC).  These professional experiences confirmed that Sibeko had indeed arrived at his life purpose. 

Present day, Sibeko is Director of Food Justice at Flanner House.  The Food Justice division of Flanner House is comprised of a 1.9-acre farm, flower garden, fruit tree orchard, youth employment program called F.E.E.D (Farming, Education, Employment, Distribution), Auto Tech program, and Cleo’s Bodega which includes both a grocer and café.  Each of these barrier busting initiatives are changing lives and yielding evolution in its district.  The Food Justice division is also in position to be used as a program model across the city addressing food deserts, crime prevention among youth, and employment development.

Sibeko’s community involvement reaches far beyond Flanner House.  He serves as Mayoral Appointee on the Food Advisory Council, founding board member of Vanguard Collegiate, Vice President of The Exchange at The Indianapolis Urban League, Board Member and City County Council appointee of the Department of Public Works, and coordinator with The Indianapolis Kwanzaa Committee. While these are a miniature caption of his community involvement, it does caption his commitment to community and man-kind.  When Sibeko is not in a meeting or attending an event, he enjoys spending time with his family and friends, reading a great fiction story and/or going to community events.


Daniel Garcia’s family has been farming vegetables commercially in the Far Eastside neighborhood of Indianapolis since 2015. They provide fresh healthy food to central Indiana using sustainable and organic methods. The farm employs three part time team members during the main season and grows veggies year around. The farm also produces honey, fruit, native edibles, and maple syrup all on 1.5 acres.


Sharrona Moore is the founder and Executive Director at Lawrence Community Gardens Youth Farm. The farm is located on the far eastside of Indianapolis/Lawrence area, in heart of America’s largest food desert. In 2016, she partnered with Monarch Beverage to grow food for the local pantries and to provide affordable access to fresh, organic, produce for their community. Sharrona has a certificate in Urban Agriculture from Purdue Extension, is a Junior Master Gardener Leader, and certified by Homeland Security as a Community Emergency Response Team (C.E.R.T.) member. She is also Neighborhood Food Champion for the Far Eastside, a member of the Indy Food Council, a member of National Farmers Union, a member of Indiana Grown Network, and a founding member of the Indiana Black Farmers Cooperative. She operates Lawrence Community Garden’s mobile farm stand that distributes fresh organic produce to the communities that have high populations of residents with low to no-access to transportation.  Sharrona enjoys traveling and spending time with her family and friends.


In 2013, Vivian Muhammad, and her mother, Joyce Randolph purchased a 1/4 acre lot at 3348 N. Sherman Dr. wherein they established an organic vegetable and herb garden, known as The Elephant Gardens. One year later another 1/4 acre lot was purchased very near the the first. Since that time, Vivian, Joyce, and family, have worked to expand and transform the Elephant Gardens urban farms into a full farmer’s market/health food oasis in the middle of one of Indianapolis’ designated “food deserts” within the Forest Manor/Brightwood community. They have built a ‘Mobile Farmacy” farm stand, a health and beauty bodega, and a greenhouse in order to provide nutrient dense produce, organic starter plants and medical herbs and spices to their community and to encourage the adoption of healthier lifestyles. Vivian and Joyce have also partnered with Harvest House/St. Peter’s Episcopal Church to farm an additional 1/8 of an acre, enabling them to grow even more fresh vegetables and herbs for their community. In 2019, Vivian and Joyce also established a 4H club known as Tomorrowland’s Children to teach, train, and promote the Junior Master Gardeners’ curriculum.

Vivian and her Mother Joyce are Vice-President and President of the Forest Manor Neighborhood Association respectively, Neighborhood Food Champions, and steering committee members of the Equitable Food Access Initiative.


In 2013, Joyce Randolph and her daughter Vivian Muhammad purchased a 1/4 acre lot at 3348 N. Sherman Dr. wherein they established an organic vegetable and herb garden, known as The Elephant Gardens. One year later another 1/4 acre lot was purchased very near the the first. Since that time, Vivian, Joyce, and family, have worked to expand and transform the Elephant Gardens urban farms into a full farmer’s market/health food oasis in the middle of one of Indianapolis’ designated “food deserts” within the Forest Manor/Brightwood community. They have built a ‘Mobile Farmacy” farm stand, a health and beauty bodega, and a greenhouse in order to provide nutrient dense produce, organic starter plants and medical herbs and spices to their community and to encourage the adoption of healthier lifestyles. Vivian and Joyce have also partnered with Harvest House/St. Peter’s Episcopal Church to farm an additional 1/8 of an acre, enabling them to grow even more fresh vegetables and herbs for their community. In 2019, Vivian and Joyce also established a 4H club known as Tomorrowland’s Children to teach, train, and promote the Junior Master Gardeners’ curriculum.

Vivian and her Mother Joyce are Vice-President and President of the Forest Manor Neighborhood Association respectively, Neighborhood Food Champions, and steering committee members of the Equitable Food Access Initiative.


Alex Chambers worked on small farms through his twenties, but went into writing and radio instead. He produced the Hoosier Young Farmer Podcast, and he's the producer and host of Inner States, an arts and culture podcast from WFIU, Bloomington. He also teaches audio storytelling at the IU Media School.

Danielle Guerin, is an Indy native who grew up in the 46218 zip code and went on to study Entrepreneurship at Bradley University and Public Affairs at Indiana University. Interested in how food affects the whole body, mental and physical, she became involved in the local food movement and urban agriculture. To increase her knowledge, she completed a summer farming program and spent two years in West Africa working with farmers. She is passionate about ending food apartheid in our black communities and raising up our young leaders.


Megan Ayers is a first-generation farmer and the founder and chicken and goose wrangler at Unvarnished Farm in Deputy, Indiana. With a focus on soil health and integrated ecosystems, her aim in farming is to use regenerative and biodiverse practices to bring life back to the small 11 acres she lives on with her husband, daughter, dogs, cats, and a plethora of poultry. Unvarnished Farm produces fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, maple syrup, chicken and goose eggs, honey, herbs, and plant starts for farmers' markets and restaurants in the Southeastern Indiana area. Established in 2020, the farm's biodiversity of life and production grows yearly as the soil improves with rest, pastured poultry, cover-cropping, no-tilling, no-spraying, and crop rotation.


Liz Brownlee is President of the Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition and is co-owner and operator of Nightfall Farm alongside her husband Nate, where they raise, pigs, lamb, and poultry. Liz has testified before the House Agriculture Subcommittee in Washington D.C. on the importance of agricultural research for helping support young and beginning farmers, and she is passionate about the work she does, in the field and in the wider farming community.

"Serving on the HYFC Board energizes me. I feel connected to other farmers, and I know I'm working for something bigger than myself. Plus, it's fun. I love this excuse to hang out with other farmers, learn from them, and just spend time together."


Genesis McKiernan-Allen is Vice-President of the Hoosier Young Farmers Coalition and co-owner and operator at Full Hand Farm alongside her husband Eli. Considered a four-season farm, they produce food year-round, farming approximately 5 acres outdoors. During winter months, they move production to their greenhouse and 10 hoop houses. As first generation farmers, they completed a two-year apprenticeship at a community-supported farm in Iowa before diving into starting a farm of their own. They now sell at local farmers markets and to restaurants in the Indianapolis area, including Wheeler’s Café, Café Patachou, Petite Chou, Public Greens, Napolese, Bluebeard, Milktooth, Wildwood, The Meridian Restaurant, Late Harvest Kitchen and North End Barbecue, among others.


Jodee Smith (Ellett) is the Assistant Director at the IU Food Institute and directs the community engagement efforts for SFSS. Jodee has been active in research, education and outreach in the Indiana food system for ten years in multiple capacities including farming, extension, research and implementation projects.  Jodee leads the Indiana Value Chain Network and Food Council Network and utilizes an asset-based approach to support community-led initiatives to build more equitable local and regional food systems. Jodee earned a B.A. in Botany from the University of Montana and an M.S. in Plant Biology from the University of California, Davis. 

Jacob Simpson is the Community Resilience Liaison for IU's Center for Rural Engagement. He supports the Center's work by building relationships with community members who collaborate with IU faculty, students, and staff to foster a more resilient Indiana. Living in Iowa along the Mississippi River for most of his life, Jacob is excited to now call the Hoosier land home. Prior to joining IU, he collaborated with the University of Iowa Office of Sustainability and various university and community stakeholders to develop a plan for a garden and outdoor classroom on the main campus.Jacob holds a Bachelors of Arts in economics from the University of Iowa. 

Claire Frohman support the work of Sustainable Food Systems Science, the IU Food Institute, and their collaborative efforts on campus and beyond in her role as Research Associate. Claire received her undergraduate degree from Vassar College in Sociology and Italian, and spent the years that followed exploring many avenues of food systems work, from sustainable farming to food service, permaculture design, food justice work, and youth gardening and cooking education. She now uses her diverse background to help navigate the multifaceted work of food systems development in the region.

This conference was sponsored by the IU Center for Rural Engagement and the IU Food Institute and co-led with partners from the Indiana Department of Health and the Hoosier Young Farmers’ Coalition.

Explore links and recordings from our 2021 conference in this playlist curated by our partners at the CRE.