Degrees and Coursework

Food Courses Offered at IU

  • ANTH-A 200 Topics in Anthropology of Culture and Society - Bizarre Foods
  • ANTH-A 372 Food, Culture and Heritiage in Italy
  • ANTH-A 402/602 Food and the Body
  • ANTH-A 600 Food Studies Capstone
  • ANTH-E 221 Anthropology of Food
  • ANTH-E 328 Ecological Anthropology
  • ANTH-E 421/621 Food and Culture
  • ANTH-E 400 People and Plants: Ethnobotany
  • ANTH-E 426 Coffee, Culture, Production & Markets
  • ANTH-P 375 Food in the Ancient World
  • ANTH-P 380 Prehistoric Diet and Nutrition
  • BIOL-L 104 Introductory Biology Lectures - Biology of Food
  • BIOL-L 222 The City as Ecosystem
  • BIOL-L 350 Environmental Biology
  • BIOT-T 270 Alcohol and Food: The Science of Fermentation
  • CLLC-L 100 Collins Seminar - Edible Wild Plants
  • CMCL-C 433 Food Performance and Communication
  • COLL-C 103 Global Appetites, Local Tastes: Food in an Interconnected World
  • COLL-E 104 Chocolate: Food of the Gods
  • COLL-C 104 Food Stuff: Food and Culture
  • ECON-E 364 Environment and Resource Economics
  • FINA-U 201/301 Introduction to Landscape Architecture: Designing a Sustainable Edible Landscape of Trees, Shrubs, and Vines for the IUB Campus
  • FOLK-F 215 Health and Morbidity in Traditional Cultures
  • GEOG-G 208 Human Impact on the Environment/Environment and Society
  • GEOG-G 306 The Geography of Current Issues - Geography of Food
  • GEOG-G 357 Urban Alternative Agriculture
  • GEOG-G 352 Food and Poverty in America
  • GEOG-G 369 The Geography of Food
  • GEOG-G 469 Food and Global Poverty
  • GEOG-G 478 Global Change, Food and Farming Systems
  • GEOG -G 411/511 Sustainable Development Systems
  • GEOG-G 449/549 Political Ecology
  • HIST-B 200 Food in Italian History
  • HIST-F 336 Modern Central American History
  • HIST-G 358 Early Modern Japan
  • HON-H 241 Scientific Uncertainty and Discovery — Topic: Food for Thought - The Cognitive Science of Eating
  • HIST-J 300 Seminar in History - Spices and Drugs, 1400-1900
  • INTL-X 370 Topics with Service Learning in International Studies — Topic: Food Security
  • MSCH-P 435 Advanced Documentary Workshop
  • POLS-Y 200 The Politics of What’s for Dinner
  • POLS-Y 326 American Social Welfare Policy
  • POLS-Y 346 Politics in the Developing World
  • REL-D 250 Religion, Ecology and the Self
  • REL-D 430 Problems with Social Ethics
  • SOC-S 346 Topics in Cross-Cultural Sociology
  • SPEA-V 413 Food Systems and Community Resilience
  • SPEA-V 550 Topics in Public Affairs - Food Policy
  • SPH-N 533 Medical Nutrition and Theoretical Application
  • SPH-N 320 Food Chemistry
  • SPH-N 325 Food Chemistry Lab
  • SPH-N 231 Human Nutrition
  • SPH-N 480 Mechanisms of Nutritient Action
  • SPH-V 230 One Health: The Intersection of Human, Animal, and Environmental Health
  • SPH-T 336 Systems Integration in Hospitality Business

When you are making your way towards the completion of a degree focused on food studies, it helps to have someone in your court with a deep knowledge of resources at Indiana University.

Undergraduate students wishing to pursue the Certificate in Food Studies should contact the academic advisor Kristen Murphy.

Graduate students wishing to incorporate food studies in their program should consult the Director of Graduate Studies for their department.